Ok, so I really never liked Rush Limbaugh in the first place, but this has obviously gone too far.

For the record I am not a terrorist. I have never trained to fly planes into buildings, mail envelopes filled with anthrax, or strap explosives to my body and stalk public places, etc. I am a little hurt that my 4 1/2 year relationship with a–read–Caucasian man has been an elaborate secret, kept only from his bigoted parents, but that does not make me an extremist.

To further clarify my position: I am a college graduate; I have a well-educated and successful family—where many have served in the armed forces; I pay my bills; I do not live in a housing project or receive welfare benefits; I never heard of Bill Ayers or Jeremiah Wright until this election. I am basically unemployed, but that is a matter of stereotype, since many Americans are going through the same hardships I am. Simply put, I am your average American citizen.

With that said, I hope that most of “Main Street” America does not share Limbaugh’s sentiments, excerpted below. This is extreme, and almost laughable—except that there are small corners of the United States where I’m sure this myth could grab hold.

I think at least some of these "ladies" might be MEN...

Here’s some of what Limbaugh said:

…it seems that a majority of the black population has remained angry, frustrated, and behind. They’ve been left behind. They are acting like they’ve been left behind, and of course we’ve heard that this is because of racism, natural systemic institutional racism in America, that we are unfair, that this country is just horrible and rotten.

…But as you study more and more of this ACORN stuff, you find that it has been part of an entire movement that has been going on for two, maybe three decades, right under our noses.

We thought that it was just liberal welfare policies and all that that kept blacks from progressing while other minorities grew and prospered, but no, it is these wackos from Bill Ayers to Jeremiah Wright to other anti-American Afrocentric black liberation theologists with ACORN, and Barack Obama is smack dab in the middle of it, they have been training young black kids to hate, hate, hate this country, and they trained their parents before that to hate, hate, hate this country. It was a movement.

…It has been a movement, it has been a religion, and Obama and Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers were all up to their big ears in it.

The only thing I agree (marginally) with is that some African-Americans act as though they’ve been left behind. Consider the rationale that crumbling inner-city schools, poor (often self-created to some extent) living conditions, and a cycle of negativity and neglect at home and in society might make people simply give up hope. But Television is widely available, so my solution is for media to show more rocket scientists and diplomats as more glamorous than movie stars and rappers…fat chance.

Read the entire transcript and/or watch the video here. Usually, at the end of any blog entry, I might make an appeal for you to decide. Not this time; all I’m asking is for America to please prove his views wrong.